Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Komal Said...

I just had a lovely conversation with one of my dear friends and spiritual teachers by the name of Komal. He is so generous, loving, and wise. I am grateful for his presence in my life. He lifts me up when I am down. He supports me. He encourages me to see the Best in Life.

Today, he said, "Don't follow anybody. Be yourself. I want you to be Philip. You are so original. There is no one else like you on the planet." I am sometimes afraid to just be myself, whoever that even is. As Nisargadatta says, the self-image changes more frequently than anything else in the world. Every moment we are experiencing a new "me." Komal was encouraging me today to follow my passions.

"Don't give up anything," Komal said. Don't give up acting. Don't give up your passions. Be who you are. Follow your heart. Don't give up so easily, he said.

Life is funny, he said. And It is. Life is changing all the time. Life is always giving different messages to me and sometimes they even contradict each other. But as I said to my friend Angela last night, "What do you want?" And I must ask myself the very same thing. What do I want? Can I have it all? Am I It all? Life is rich and diverse. Shouldn't we celebrate all of life? Enjoy All of Life? And why not? This doesn't mean be stupid or don't use discrimination. But it does mean that Life is offering something to you in this very moment and because Life is a River it will not stop and wait for you to make a decision. So, Komal says, "Say yes to everything." Go with the flow. Be yourself. Live your life. Be as you are. All is One and there are no mistakes to be made.

Thank you Komal. I cherish you.

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